I first encountered Muesli when I was travelling with a much older boss in Europe. While I was feasting on the wide selection of dishes available for breakfast which came with our accommodation booking that included breakfast, the boss was busy spooning himself a lot of what looked like oats, fruits and nuts into a bowl. I asked, “Is that good, sir?” He replied, “Oh yes, I love it, not only for breakfast but for any time snack as well, and very healthy.” I did try it and yes it was good, but not my type of breakfast food, then. Today, I will have it anytime.

Bircher Muesli is of Swiss German origin. Its basic ingredients include rolled oats, other grains, fresh or dried fruits, seeds and nuts, mixed with different kinds of milk. The original recipe was developed by a nutritionist doctor, Maximilian Bircher-Benner in 1900. He experimented on the effects of raw fruits and vegetables on the body because he himself got well from jaundice after dieting on raw apples. His studies showed that raw fruits and vegetables had the highest nutritional value, cooked and commercially processed foods had less, and meats had the least. Do you know that even cancer patients are advised to reduce eating meats and increase fruit and vegetable intake because the former are acidic, the latter basic. Acidic food feeds cancer cells, while basic foods starve them.

Bircher-Benner’s sisters, Alice Bircher and Berta Brupbacher-Bircher, created many recipes using raw foods to make them more appealing. Thus, was muesli born.

Also read: Vegan Breakfast Ideas

Apple and Almond Bircher Muesli is my version of this very healthy and delectable dish. It contains apples, same kind that cured Dr. Bircher-Brenner of jaundice. Actually, Granny Smith green apples are popular antioxidants, high in fiber and potassium and has low calories, ideal for healthy and weight loss. Almonds on the other hand are a very good source of vitamin E, manganese, biotin, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and phosphorus. Its monounsaturated fat is healthy for the heart.

Check out all the other ingredients and they’re all healthy, just like what Dr. Bircher-Brenner said. They are all rich in minerals and vitamins, and are antioxidants.

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Apple Almond Overnight Bircher Muesli

A gut-friendly muesli soaked overnight to activate the grains and nuts, is a joy to eat with a dollop of coconut yogurt and a sprinkle of chopped nuts.You will not want to go back to any other muesli since you try this.
Course Breakfast
Keyword Gut Friendly, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free


  • 2 Cups rolled oats
  • ½ cup shredded coconut
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 2 small Granny Smith apples grated
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup plus extra to serve
  • 2/12 cups almond milk
  • Coconut yoghurt to serve
  • ¼ cup slivered pistachios or nuts of choice to serve


  • Place the oats, coconut, cinnamon, raisins, apple, honey and almond milk in a large bowl and mix well to combine.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to soak.
  • To serve, divide the mixture between bowls
  • Serve with yoghurt, pistachios and extra Maple syrup

Do try it and enjoy a filling, crunchy and enjoyable breakfast or anytime snack. If you don’t have the exact ingredients experiment with what you think are good substitutes. Our concern here is to have healthy humans taking care of a healthy world.

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