In many countries, a pudding is generally a sweet milk-based dessert set with a collagen, while a smoothie is a thick beverage of blended ingredients, usually fruits.

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family. Cultivation of this plant begun with the Aztecs. Chia seeds were given as annual tribute to their rulers. As a food crop, they were as important as maize. Chia seeds contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium.

Almonds come from a tree native to the Middle East, India and North Africa. From the Old Testament of the Bible, it is said that almonds are a prized ingredient for breads served to the Pharaohs of Egypt. Almonds are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Also read: Tutti Frutti Minty Smoothie Bowl

Agaves are succulents with a large rosette of thick fleshy leaves. They are native to hot and arid regions like Mexico and South Western USA. Agave nectar is 150% sweeter than sugar or honey so you can use less of it as a sweetener. It is a main ingredient in making Mexican tequila. Today it is popularly recommended as an alternative to sugar or honey because of its favourable glycemic profile, meaning that it contributes less to blood sugar as compared to refined sugar and honey.

From all that introduction, don’t you feel like royalty eating a Chia Pudding sweetened with agave nectar, creamy with almond milk and set like gelatin with chia seeds. Even while making the dish, I imagine myself as the Aztec queen or the wife of Pharaoh, preparing a healthy snack or dessert for the family.

That’s not all. I am topping my royal pudding with a delectable creamy smoothie using bananas, mangos, almond butter and coconuts, gifts from the visiting rajahs and sultans of Asia.

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Chia Pudding and Smoothie Bowls

A variety of vibrant breakfast bowls with easy chia pudding or smoothies made with frozen fruits for a colourful start to the day. Set a healthy and energizing tone to the day!
Course Beverages, Breakfast, Snack
Keyword Gluten Free, Gut Friendly, Soy Free


Chia pudding:

  • 3 tsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 cup nut milk I used homemade almond milk
  • 2 tsp raw agave


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 mango peeled, cubed and frozen
  • 2 tsp almond butter
  • 1/2 cups Coconut yogurt
  • Handful Granola
  • Fruits of your choice


Chia Pudding:

  • In a bowl , stir chia seeds, almond milk and raw agave continuously until nicely mixed. Refrigerate to soak overnight or 15 minutes before serving.


  • Blend banana, mango, almond butter and a bit of almond milk in a blender till smooth and creamy.
  • Pour coconut yogurt in a bowl or glass jar and top with blended mango mixture. Using a butter knife, lightly swirl in the shape of eight a few times until you get the desired marbled effect.
  • Top with granola and fresh fruits

Chia pudding topped with fruits, nuts and seeds is a delicious and filling breakfast.

Chia Pudding and Smoothie Bowls 2

For variation, skip the chia pudding part and enjoy just the smoothie in a bowl topped with fruits of choice and a sprinkle of good quality granola.

Chia Pudding and Smoothie Bowls 3

Use different coloured fruits for rainbow smoothies. Pitaya’s magical pink has an invitation written all over for a “come and eat me” party.

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