As the summer sun shines brightly and the days grow longer, the desire for light, refreshing, and wholesome meals intensifies. Summer rolls, a culinary gem from Vietnam, embody these qualities perfectly, offering a symphony of flavors and textures that tantalize the taste buds and revitalize the senses.

These delicate rolls are composed of translucent rice paper wrappers, encasing a vibrant array of fresh vegetables, herbs, and protein. The crunch of julienned carrots, the vibrant green of herbs like mint and cilantro, the subtle sweetness of bell peppers, and the protein-rich tofu create a harmonious blend of ingredients that are both nutritious and flavorful.

The dipping sauce, a combination of fresh chili peppers and soy sauce, adds a touch of spice and umami that complements the freshness of the rolls. The kefir lime leaf, a secret ingredient, infuses the sauce with a unique citrusy aroma that elevates the overall flavor profile.

Making summer rolls is a culinary adventure, an opportunity to experiment with different combinations of vegetables, herbs, and protein. The process is simple yet rewarding, allowing you to create personalized rolls that cater to your individual preferences.

Serve the summer rolls with a side of Vietnamese dipping sauce for a more authentic experience.
Summer rolls are a refreshing and delightful culinary adventure that is sure to please everyone at the table. With their vibrant colors, fresh flavors, and customizable fillings, they are the perfect embodiment of summer’s bounty. So gather your ingredients, set up your rolling station, and embark on a culinary journey that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you feeling revitalized and refreshed.

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Crispy Summer Rolls with Soy Chilli Dipping Sauce

Servings 16 pieces


  • 1 pc Onion or 3 spring onions
  • 1 pc Capsicum thinly sliced
  • 1 cup Mushroom sliced
  • 1 pc Carrot shredded
  • 1 can Water chestnuts diced
  • 1 cup Diced tofu
  • 1 1 ” knob Ginger sliced
  • 2 pcs Kafir lime leaf Secret ingredient, sliced
  • 1 tbsp Plain flour
  • 1 tbsp Tamari
  • 2 tbsp Sweet chilli sauce
  • 1/4 cup Coriander leaves chopped
  • 1 pc Fresh chilli


  • Sauté all veggies. Add tamari, water chestnuts, diced tofu, sweet chilli sauce, lime leaf & fresh chilli, coriander.
  • Toss and squeeze lime juice
  • Wet rice paper in water
  • Place tofu veg mix
  • Double wrap
  • Pan fry the rice paper roles
  • Serve with soy chilli sauce.

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